QMax FTS steam tracing maximizes the heat input of regular stainless steel or copper tube tracer and offers consistent results. First, QMax FTS transforms the nature of a steam tracer from ineffective convective heat transfer to highly efficient conductive heat transfer. Second, the heating surface area is increased to as much as 2 inches (50mm) using highly-conductive aluminum. When compared to traditional tracing on a vessel, the QMax FTS steam tracing system can significantly reduce the number of tracing passes required. When compared with traditional plate coils, QMax FTS can offer much greater contact for more consistent tank heating results.
QMax FTS Offers Consistent Heating Tank System Results whether the goal is:
Tank Process Temperature Maintenance
Minimum Tank Wall Temperature Maintenance
Light-duty Process Heat-Up inside the tank
Critical Process Freeze Protection
QMax Industries models the thermal characteristics of each application so the results of the QMax FTS Tank Heating system are consistent. The profile of QMax FTS is much more consistently in contact with the vessel wall to ensure the best results for each application.
For a complimentary evaluation, fill out our QMax FTS Heating Tank System Evaluation Questionnaire and send it to your representative for individual attention. We treat every application uniquely to offer the right solution for you.
QMax FTS Heat Tracing Tank Technical Specifications:
Material: 6063-T6 Aluminum
Thermal Conductivity: ~1390 BTU inch/hr ft^2 °F
Maximum Temperature Limitation: 750 °F (399 °C)
Weight: ~ 0.6 lb/ft (.89 kg/m) (without tubing, HTC or Banding)
Standard tube/pipe sizes: 3/8 inch through 5/8 inch (larger available upon request)

"If you're not using the QMax Tank Heating System, you're spending too much."
- Robert Hager
Manager of Special Projects
Eastman Chemical Co.

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